Belgian Headgear

Belgian made Commando Du kivu beret used by Mercenary's in congo in 1964/65 (see last picture right men on the back of the jeep) (beret is size 57 and dated 1953) 250 Euro
Belgian "vlaamse wacht" dutch M34 helmet  250 Euro
old belgian 3rd para beret (i think congo period)
Size is +/- 56
55 Euro
Kepi ​​of a mercenary in Katanga
Maker of the kepi is ABL Indian Caps
dated 1963 and size 54
150 Euro
original Belgian SAS kepi from the end of the 40s
The maker of the Kepi is
9 Rue de Bruxelles Louvain
SIZE IS +/- 55
150 Euro
Belgian information service Kepi
Dated 1952 and size 58
60 Euro
Kepi ​​Zaire, Mobutu period
Size is +/-58-59
on the insignia plate it says
justice paix travail
80 Euro
Size 54
early 2000s
30 Euro
ABL Force Publique white cap , administration , Maker is Grande Maison du congo  250 Euro
ABL airforce beret size 57 and dated 1975 (G) 30 Euro
ABL airforce beret size 60  (H) 25 Euro
ABL UDA beret 55 and dated 1976 (E) 30 Euro
ABL UDA beret (F) 30 Euro
Mercenary Camo cap (Congo Period) made in congo after a US model cap , the camo cap is the same fabric and color as the RAKA and Bawi model 1956 smocks, size 56  120 Euro
ABL 12 linie Tropical hat (second model) size 56 and dated 1959 190 Euro
ABL Camo Beret (used in Congo in the 50 and 60 by the black troops and mercenary troops) +/- size 59/60  90 Euro
Original South West Africa Koevoet green cap used in Angola and in the Congo by mercenaries (east German made) 200 Euro
Belgian Navy blue cap dated 1972 and size 55 25 Euro
Belgian M71 Para helmet (German made ) size 59 75 Euro
Belgium Rijkswacht Helmet from the 1950/1960 , maker is LEVIOR  size 59 70 Euro
Belgium Rijkswacht Helmet from the 1950/1960 , maker is LEVIOR  60 Euro
ABL Modern Brown Beret (infantry) (same color as the belgian Korea volunteers) size 58  (A) 15 Euro
ABL Brown Beret (infantry) (same color as the belgian Korea volunteers) size 59 and dated 2004 (C) 15 Euro
ABL MP Cap dated 1955 size 54  35 Euro
ABL MP Cap dated 1970 size 60  50 Euro
ABL MP Cap dated 1970 (A) 30 Euro
ABL MP Cap dated 1970 and size 54 (B) 30 Euro
ABL MP Cap dated 1966 and size 56 (C) 35 Euro
ABL MP Cap dated 1966 and size 56 (D) 35 Euro
ABL MP Cap dated 1968 and size 55 (E) 35 Euro
Belgian Green Commando beret size 54 dated 2004(price is for 1 beret) 20 Euro 
ABL Blue UN beret from the maker NV pelsmaekers in size 56 20 Euro 
Belgian KMS(koninklijke militaire school) beret with insignia dated 1973 and size 53 25 Euro
ABL Belgian 2 Artillerie sidecap ,maker is Theo de Hoogen dated 1951 and size 59  25 Euro
ABL airforce cap (C) 45 Euro 
ABL  airforce cap (D) 35 Euro 
Belgian firefighter cap (Q) 25 Euro 
ABL Airforce cap (R) 35 Euro 
ABL Army cap (A) 15 Euro 
ABL Army cap (B) 15 Euro 
ABL Army cap (C) 15 Euro 
ABL Army cap (D) 15 Euro 
Belgian Beret officier ERM (royal militari school) size 57
30 Euro
Belgian Force publique Fez (Congo) SOLD
Belgian M1 model 1951 helmet
Used in katanga
Belgian Para withe camo Helmet Mark II   SOLD
Belgian Para Medic Helmet Mark II   SOLD
Belgian Para Medic Helmet model 1950  SOLD
Size 54
early 2000s
Belgian chaplain tropical helmet (congo period)
Maker is maison du congo
ABL 2 CODO Tropical hat (first model) size 55  SOLD
Lot of 22 ABL used Berets  SOLD
Lot op 7 ABL kepi SOLD
 ABL OOF 3th Para beret  SOLD
ABL Para regiment beret size 54  SOLD
ABL UDA beret size 56 and dated 1966 (D) SOLD
Adrian helmet Abbl 6th line with registration number on the inside
painted over with black and used by air protection electricity service (painted insignia  on the side)
khaki paint still visible under the black
ABL Green Commando  beret size 58  SOLD
Belgian Mercenary cap in Congo size 57 SOLD
Katanga police fez SOLD
ABL Camo bigard model cap (used in Congo in the 50 and 60 by the black troops and mercenary troops) SOLD
Belgian ABL RECCE Helmet dated 1951 and size 57 SOLD
ABL Schuberth helmet size 2 and dated  06/1995 SOLD
Belgian M95 schuberth helm 
dated 1996 size 1
ABL 2 CODO Green beret size 59 and dated 1976 (D) SOLD
ABL 2 CODO Green beret size 61 and dated 1984 (B) SOLD
ABL Chasseurs Ardenais beret , armband and ty  SOLD
ABL 2 CODO Green beret size 59 and dated 1976 (C) SOLD
ABL Chasseurs Ardenais beret dated 1965   SOLD
ABL 2 CODO Green beret size 57 and dated 1982 (A) SOLD 
Belgium Rijkswacht Helmet from the 1950/1960 , maker is LEVIOR  SOLD
Belgian M71 Para helmet (German made ) SOLD
ABL MP Cap dated 1981 and size 57 (G) SOLD
ABL 1st Para red beret size 58 and dated 1988 (insignia is only with 1 attachment (one is broken) SOLD
ABL Force publique (Congo) size 56 and dated 1951 SOLD
French made Commando Du kivu beret used by Mercenary's in congo in 1964/65 (see  the 2 last picture right men on the back of the jeep) SOLD
ABL Camo Beret (used in Congo in the 50 and 60 by the black troops and mercenary troops) same camo as the Belgian 1956 Para camo smocks ,made in country (verry rare to find) found them in a lot of Belgian RAKA para smocks SOLD
English made Commando Du kivu beret used by Mercenary's in congo in 1964/65 (see last picture right men on the back of the jeep) SOLD
Belgian tropical helmet congo Force publique ,Maker is FailsWorthHats ltd , size 7 and dated 1942 SOLD
Belgian tropical helmet congo Force publique (french maker) SOLD
ABL Tropical jungle hat 1st Para (second model ) size is 55  (used in the Congo)  SOLD
Belgian civil defence helmet  SOLD
Belgian police helmet from Mechelen  SOLD
Belgian Corean war Volunteers  brown beret with  insignia no more markings in the beret SOLD
Belgian tropical helmet congo , Nogueira & Co. leopoldville  SOLD
Belgian Corean war Volunteers  light brown beret with   insignia , beret is size 58 and dated 1952 and the maker is MANABI SOLD
Belgian Gendarmerie cap size 56 and dated 1956  SOLD
ABL Para Commando helmet model 1950 (HSAT Mark II) (B) SOLD
ABL M71 para helmet with camo  SOLD
ABL Force publique Tropical pith helmet  (Congo Katanga) , Maker is Comfortease Royal Letters Patent No 228467 adopted by H.M. Govt.(in used condition) SOLD
ABL Force publique Cap (Congo Katanga) , Maker is CCCB and in size52 and dated 1955 SOLD
Belgian ABL MP beret NCO dated 1990 and size 59 SOLD
Green Belgian 2th commando beret size 58 (non commition officer) SOLD
Green Belgian 2th commando beret size 58 SOLD
ABL Para Commando helmet model 1950 (HSAT Mark II) (A) SOLD
ABL Tropical jungle hat (second model ) size is 57  (used in the Congo) dated 1959 ,the hat is in verry good condition  SOLD
ABL Katanga Tropical jungle hat (first model ) size is +/- 54/55  (used by the Mercenary's see last picture) the hat is in Used condition  SOLD
ABL 3th Para Tropical jungle hat (first model ) size is +/- 53-54) there is a Name in the Hat (see pictures ) the hat is in Used condition  SOLD
Personal purchase Tropical hat from the 3th Para  SOLD
ABL Brown Beret (infantry) (same color as the belgian Korea volunteers) size 59 and dated 1994 (B) SOLD
WWI ABBL Belgian Helmet with liner(the liner is a litle loose) SOLD
ABL Luchtafweer TWL-GTA kepi (garde territoriale anti-aérienne)
Maker is Seymour Kortrijk
Size 60 and dated 1964
Red Para beret (SAS) size 57 SOLD
Green  Congolese Commando beret
from the 1960/1970
Size 56
ABL MP kepi dated 1969 and size 55 (F) SOLD
ABL Model 1949 Helmet (A) SOLD
ABL Model 1949 Helmet (C) SOLD
ABL Model 1949 Helmet (D) SOLD
Belgian Green Commando beret size 59 dated 1995 (price is for 1 beret) SOLD
ABL desert camo for the belgian helmet , maker is seyntex and the size is M SOLD
ABL Gala cap (G) SOLD
WWII Belgian infantry sidecap (No markings) SOLD 
Belgian police cap (A) SOLD
Belgian police cap (B) SOLD
Belgian police cap (C) SOLD
Baseball cap with flemish lion on it (one size fitts all) SOLD
Belgian MP beret size 57 and dated 1990  SOLD
Belgian police cap (D) SOLD
ABL Model 1949 Helmet (B) SOLD
ABL Navy cap (U) SOLD
ABL Gala cap (W) SOLD
Belgian firefighter cap (Y) SOLD
ABL Gala cap (Z) SOLD
ABL Airforce cap (Z1) SOLD
ABL Airforce cap (Z2) SOLD
Green Belgian 2th commando beret size 59 SOLD
ABL Helmet model 1949 dated 1950 (C) SOLD
ABL Helmet dated 1952 (A) SOLD
ABL Force publique Cap (Congo) Maker is Seymour Kortrijk Size 56 and dated 1964 SOLD
ABL Helmet dated 1952 (B) SOLD
Green Belgian 2 commando  beret (french maker that made them for the belgian army) size 59 (price is for 1 beret) SOLD
Belgian Army balaclava dated 1990  SOLD
Green Belgian 4 th commando beret size 58 and dated 1973 , maker is Universal caps MITIN SOLD
Belgian Kevlar Schuberth helmet , the helmet is a size 2 SOLD
Green Belgian 2 th commando non comition officer beret size 58 and dated 1973 , maker is Universal caps MITIN SOLD
Belgian Force publique cap (Congo - Katanga) size 55 and dated 1952  SOLD
Belgian cap  (Congo - Katanga) size 57 and dated 1962  SOLD
Green Belgian 2 th commando artillery  beret size 55 and dated 2005 SOLD
Belgian Infantry cap maker is seymour and in size 55 and dated 1969 (on the front there is a roman number VI ) SOLD
Belgian 1ste para non commition officer cap size 52 and dated 1965 maker is Seymour SOLD
ABBL Artillery cap  SOLD
ABBL Infantry cap (C)  SOLD
Congo green Commando beret with insignia (insignia is french made),size 60 and from the 1960/1970 SOLD
ABL Para commando helmet with camo cover SOLD
Green Belgian 4 th commando NCO  beret size 58 SOLD
Belgian Corean war Volunteers  brown beret  dated 1952 and size 58 markings are ABL M.A.e C.f SOLD
WWII ABBL 2e Regiment Karabiniers sidecap Model 1935/39 (B) SOLD
Belgian Corean war Volunteers  brown beret  with insignia dated 1952 and size 59 markings are ABL M.A.e C.f SOLD 
WWII ABBL 2e Regiment Karabiniers sidecap Model 1935/39 (A) SOLD 
ABL Green Belgian 4th commando beret (belgian maker dated 1987 and size 54) SOLD
Belgian para helmet made from a  WWII british moto helmet
the helmet is dated  is 1944 and from the maker BMB (Briggs Motor Bodies) and size 7 (see pictures)
when i see the chinstraps i can see that the helmet was used by belgian paratroopers in the 50 and 60
this is the information that i ave found on the internet
"To meet this deficiency a number of Canadian Airborne Helmet, Crash, Motor Cyclists, Steel were converted to airborne use and issued to the Van Doos and RCR’s airborne battalions. The conversion consisted... of inserting a top pad, cutting off the curtain and chin-strap and boring four holes in the rim to take a leather harness based on that of the Mk.I Airborne helmet. "
Belgian helmet  liner SOLD
blue Belgian Army UN beret dated 1997 and size 57 SOLD
ABL Red Belgian 1 ste Para commando beret (English made) SOLD
ABL Green Belgian 2th commando beret (silver insignia) SOLD
ABL Green Belgian 4th commando beret (silver insignia) size 59 SOLD
ABL Moto helmet model 1948 SOLD
ABL Special forces red beret (maker is AIR maneuvre brigade) SOLD
Belgian Corean war Volunteers  brown beret with insignia the beret is dated 1952 and size 62 markings are ABL M.A.e C.f SOLD
Belgian Corean war Volunteers  brown beret with chaplain insignia the beret is dated 1954 and size 56 markings are ABL M.A.e C.f SOLD
ABL 4th commando regiment beret size is 55 and the maker is Kangol SOLD
ABL 2 commando Regiment beret size is 58 SOLD
ABL MP cap size 58 and dated 1959 maker is Seymours Caps SOLD
ABL Gala cap (E) SOLD
ABL Gala cap (F) SOLD
ABL officer Gala cap (V) SOLD
ABL officer Gala cap (X) SOLD
ABL Gala cap (H) SOLD
ABL Gala cap (I) SOLD
ABL Gala cap (J) SOLD
ABL Airforce cap (N) SOLD
2 Belgian Airforce Kamina Congo sidecaps the 2 are dated 1950 , one is size 58 and it ave a WWII Leopold III airforce badge and a  kamina badge (verry rare) it ase also a name in it Francke 1787420 the other one is size 56 (price is for the 2 caps) SOLD
Belgian black WWII Adrian helmet  SOLD
ABBL Infantry  cap (B) SOLD
Belgian Corean war Volunteers  brown beret with insignia the beret is dated 1954 and size 56 markings are ABL M.A.e C.f SOLD
Belgian Army MP cap dated  1963  SOLD
Green Belgian 2 commando beret (belgian maker dated 1987 and size 54) SOLD
Belgian Grenadiers cap size 56 and dated 1952 SOLD
Red Belgian 3 th para commando beret with silver badge (french maker that made them for the belgian army) size 58 SOLD
Belgian Corean war Volunteers  brown beret with chaplain insignia the beret is dated 1952 and size 62 markings are ABL M.A.e C.f SOLD
Red Belgian 1 ste Para commando beret (french maker that made them for the belgian army) size 58 SOLD
WWI ABBL Belgian Adrian Helmet with serial number 175.160.53 F.R. and some dates in the liner 18-5-37 - 38 - 39 - 11-6-40 (all is UV controled) SOLD
Red Belgian 1 ste Para commando beret with silver insignia (french maker that made them for the belgian army) size 58 SOLD
Red Belgian 3 th para commando beret with gold badge (french maker that made them for the belgian army) size 58 SOLD
Belgian Sidecap dated 1953 SOLD
blue Belgian Army UN beret dated 1997 and size 57 SOLD
Belgian sidecap (british model ) dated 1946  SOLD
Belgium Officer Cap SOLD
Belgian english style helmet SOLD
WWI Belgium Adrian helmet with is original liner
WWII Belgium Adrian helmet with is liner en chinstrap SOLD
WWI Belgium Adrian helmet with is liner en chinstrap SOLD
WWII Belgium Adrian helmet with is liner en chinstrap SOLD
Original Belgian M1 helmet (3th inf div.)used in the corean war liner is dated 1953 and helmet is dated 1952 SOLD
Red Belgian 1 ste Para commando beret (french maker that made them for the belgian army) size 58 SOLD
Belgian chasseur ardenais beret dated 1963 and size 55 (B) SOLD
Belgian chasseur ardenais beret dated 1963 and size 57 (A) SOLD
Belgian tropical hat Congo period (there is a neuwspaper in the hat and that is dated 1951) SOLD
Belgian 1st para cap , dated 1951 and size 58 SOLD
Belgian 1ste para officer cap size 58 and dated 1953 maker is Pierre du pas SOLD
Belgian Kevlar Schuberth helmet with is original UN cover , the helmet is a size XL SOLD