Satire booklet "La guerre en chemise noire"
Dated 1945
34 pages
Preface by Jean oberlé
Edition Chantal
Satire about Italy and Germany
Price is for 1 booklet (i ave more than
one for sale)
10 Euro
lot of 14 WWI Belgian maps
(from 13 to 26) made by the institut cartographique militaire and
dated 1908 Feuille XIII Tournai
Feuille XIV Mons
Feuille XV Charleroi
Feuille XVI Namur
Feuille XVII Liege
Feuille XVIII Roisin
Feuille XIX Thuin
Feuille XX Dinant
Feuille XXI La Roche
Feuille XXII Cul-Des-Sarts
Feuille XXIII Bouillon
Feuille XXIV Arlon
Feuille XXV Villers-devant-Orval
Feuille XXVI
and a litle inventory map also dated 1908
WWII Belgian
colaboration Vlaamsch Nationaal zangfeest 31 Augustus 1941
brussel (20 pages) with text and notes from the songs Het lied der
vlamingen /
Reuzenlied /
De Vlaamsche smeder /
Vlaanderen /
Het Vendel /
Mijn Vlaanderen heb ik Hartelijk lief /
Wij zijn bereid /
Groeningen /
Van Rijswijckmarsch /
Al Zingend 'T vrije lied /
Beiaardlied /
De Blauwvoet /
Vlaanderen roept /
Transvaalsch volkslied /
Wilhemus /
De Vlaamsche Leeuw /
Belgian 2 Commando beer
40 Euro
Belgian 4th Bn Commando beer
40 Euro
WWI and WWII an post war
shells (all deactivated)
Asc for prices
WWII Belgian painting of a
WWII Belgian soldier
75 Euro
Belgium shell from a 105 mm
dated 1971 and engaved with the emblem of the 17 th transmition
50 Euro
Lot of 14 Belgian Magazines of
LE SOIR ILLUSTRE all dated in 1939
21 Euro
TM for the Chassis F.N.
12 Euro
TM for the Control Group
AN/GRA-6 (dated 1954)
12 Euro
TM for the Radio station T-400
10 Euro
TM for the Radio sets AN/VRC-8
AN/VRC-9 and AN/VRC-10 (dated 1954)
13 Euro
TM for the UHF/AM Radio set
VRC-240T (dated 1976)
8 Euro
TM for the UHF/AM Radio set
VRC-240T (dated 1976)
8 Euro
This is a Belgian 3th
Para Commando regiment display (36 cm X 31 cm)
lot of 14 WWI Belgian
maps(dated 1908)
WWII bouclet for mobilisation WWII
15 Euro
Collection Of 345 Original
Diapositive from the Belgian soldiers that where in Corea in 1953
and they where made by Major Louis Hancy.There
are 240 Diapositves from Korea and 105 Diapositives from in Japan
made by the Major Louis Hancy(all the Diapositieves are in
Verry good condition)
WWI Belgian book in
dutch"Onze Helden voor het Vaderland gesneuveld in
dated 1922
TM for the Minerva licence
Rover (dated 1953)
WWI Belgian boek of the BIG
WAR(DE GROOTE OORLOG) book is in dutch and its from 1920/1930
there are 1936 pages and the book is still in good condition
WWII Belgian Army LOTO
Game(BINGO game)
In is Original box and complete with
numbers and cards(no bag for the numbers )