Belgian Uniforms

Original sub lieutenant service dress tunic of a mercenary of the 5th Commando (Congo / Katanga) medal bar and fire cord is Ordre de l'etoile africaine size of the tunic  = Shoulder to sholder 42 cm / Chest 97 cm / sleeve62 cm / Back 75 cm 750 Euro
ABL half zip camo smock model 1954 size 3 150 Euro
Belgian Navy camo trousers , size 8 and dated 1955 (near mint condition) 150 Euro
REPRO Belgian WWI 22 Infantry Tunic and Sidecap  175 Euro
original Police uniform 80s (no longer in use)
The uniform consists of
Kepi, tunic, trousers, tie, shirt, white gloves, spare pair of shoulder pieces,
everything is in good condition
Kepi = +/- 57 cm
Tunic = Shoulders 48 cm, sleeve 67 cm chest 98 cm
Trousers Waist 91 cm, inside leg 85 cm
Shirt shoulders 50 cm
100 Euro
 ABL white Force Publique tunic (Congo) 250 Euro
Uniform Belgian Congo Territorial administration The uniform consists of vest, trousers, shirt, tie and colonial helmet 450 Euro
ABL Force Publique tunic (Congo) 200 Euro
 ABL Para Half zip camo smock size 1 model 1975 150 Euro
 ABL half zip camo smock dated 1952 size 15 (size 4)no tale or sholderboards 130 Euro
 ABL half zip camo smock model 1954 size 6 (no tag) 150 Euro
 ABL half zip camo smock Model 1954 size 1 (no tag) 100 Euro
 ABL half zip camo smock dated 1957 size 5 130 Euro
ABL Pixie suit size 3 /55 dated 1955  125 Euro
 Belgian made shirt Mercenary 6th commando dated 1959  125 Euro
 French made shirt Mercenary COMORES ( BOB denard) (no more tag in it )  200 Euro
Belgium camo smock of a Gendarme Katangais (Congo period)
the smock is size 6 and dated 1956 
with a  Belgian canvas belt with a  lion head buckle and a GP canvas holster 
375 Euro
ABL PARA body armor from the fiftys (same as the WWII british ones) (with the plates) Verry heavy 275 Euro
ABL Camo smock dated 1995 and size 3  75 Euro
 ABL Navy camo pants  size  4 and dated 1962  50 Euro
 ABL kaki smock pants size 4 and dated 1989 (A) 30 Euro
 ABL kaki smock pants size 2 (B) 30 Euro
 ABL kaki smock pants size 3B and dated 1989 (C) 30 Euro
 ABL kaki smock pants size 3C and dated 1991 (D) 30 Euro
Original Mercenary ABL Camo Begetex Smock from  the 6th commando (french Mercenarys) (Mercenaries Congo period) Original 6th commando sholder boards  , the smock is dated 1965  250 Euro
 ABL Batle Dress patns Model 1956 size 3F (A) 35 Euro 
 ABL Tank coverall , maker is seyntex and dated 1980 , size is 7 I  45 Euro
 ABL Coverall (size 46) 30 Euro
 ABL Camo net (+/- 72 cm X 72 cm) i ave 15 pieces for sale , price is for 1 piece 5 Euro
 ABL long coat Size 50 L , maker is  Bulte Fashion en dated 1996 (A) 25 Euro
 ABL Kaki short (size 54)  10 Euro
 ABL dark blue training (Tunic and pants) dated 1991 and size 54/56 15 Euro
 Pair of black ABL socks , size 47/48 and dated 2002  5 Euro 
 Belgian Navy  (Z M - F N ) Jigsaw camo uniform  dated 1962  maker is Seyntex  (different sizes) SOLD OUT
 Belgian ABL camo uniform tunic is size XXL/L and dated 1997 and pants are sizeXXL/S 80 Euro
 Belgian army camo tunic size 56 L (I ave 5 pieces for sale price is for 1 piece) 20 Euro
 Belgian commando genie tunic size 3 FF and dated 1977 , there are brevets on the tunic on the right sleeve there is a commando A brevet and on both sleeves there are the commando tabs also on the chest there is a Belgian para brevet and also a italian and a german para brevet and also a sharpshooter badge/brevet 85 Euro
Belgian 72th logistiek transport Reg. (see pictures) size 52 L and dated 1986  30 Euro
Belgian Infantry tunic size 56 EL and dated 1986 30 Euro
Belgian 10 th transmitions tunic size 46 EL and dated 1982 20 Euro
Belgian army gloves dated 1988 and size 4 (it's for a leather pair and a pair of wool gloves ) they can be used at the same time or appart) 10 Euro
ABL Jigsaw Camo Flack / stab resistant vest made by SEYNTEX and dated 1995 , size is Medium short (verry heavy) SOLD
 Belgium Camo trousers model 1950 with some repairs  SOLD
ABL Short dated 1956 size 2  SOLD
 ABL Short model 1956 size 4 (no tag)  SOLD
 ABL Short model 1950 size 2  SOLD
 ABL Para half zip camo smock size 4 dated  1975 SOLD
ABL Para half zip camo smock size 2 model 1975 SOLD
 ABL half zip camo smock dated 1952 size 22 (size 6) SOLD
 ABL Half zip Para commando smock Size 3  SOLD
 ABL Navy camo pants  size  6 and dated 1962  SOLD
Belgian airforce gloves dated 1988 and size 9  SOLD
ABL  BAWI camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956  SOLD
 Belgian commando RAKA Camo pants Size 4 and dated 1956 SOLD
 Belgian commando Camo pants Size 12 and dated 1953  SOLD
 ABL deser camo uniform (tunic and pants) maker is seyntex and size of the Tunic is L/L and the size of the pants is S/L SOLD
 ABL long coat from a Genie Unit, Model 1950 (tag is no more readable ) (B) SOLD 
 ABL long coat, Model 1950 (tag is no more readable ) (C) SOLD
 ABL tropical short (waist 97 cm)  SOLD 
 ABL Half zip Para commando jigsaw camo smock 1997 size 7  SOLD
 ABL Camo pants size 50L and dated 1989 SOLD 
ABL RAKA  camo smock size 5 (50/58) dated 1956  one button is loose but all the other buttons and flap are present SOLD
ABL Para camo smock size 2 model 1975 (no tag) all buttons and flap are  present SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock size 3 and dated 1975 all buttons and flap are present with para wings and commando brevet (C) SOLD
ABL para commando Half Zip camo smock Size 6 model 1955 SOLD
 ABL para commando Half Zip camo smock TAWO Size 4 dated 1954 SOLD 
 ABL para commando Half Zip camo smock MD Gent Size 4 (48/56) dated 1955 SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock size 2 model 1975 all buttons and flap are  present SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock size 3 model 1975 all buttons and flap are  present SOLD
Belgian Para commando camo pants RMO  size 3 dated 1954 (A) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants   TAWO size 4 dated 1953 with field repairs (C) SOLD
 ABL Camo smock dated 1988 size Medium SOLD
 ABL  RAKA camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956  all buttons are present but flap is missing (H) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants TAWO  size 3 dated 1954 (B) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants RMO  size 4 dated 1954 (D) SOLD
 ABL RAKA  camo smock size 6 (52/60) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL  RAKA camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present (I) SOLD
 ABL LANDA Short boots , in EU size  43 and dated 1955 (in verry good condition) SOLD
French Made Force Publique tunic  SOLD
ABL  RAKA camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present (J) SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock size 1 and dated 1975 all buttons and flap are  present SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock size 3 and dated 1975 all buttons and flap are present and with para wings (A) SOLD
 ABL RAKA  camo smock size 6 (52/60) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Navy Half Zip camo smock Size 5 (54/62) dated 1955 , beaver tale is missing SOLD
ABL  BAWI camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present (H) SOLD
 ABL camo moon and balls smock model 1950 size 7 , all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Half zip Camo smock size Large SOLD 
ABL camo smock model 1954 size 5 , all buttons and flap are present  SOLD
 ABL  BAWI camo smock size 7 (54/62) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present (H) SOLD
ABL  BAWI camo smock size 7 (54/62) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
ABL tropical uniform from the Genie with a original pair of Genie sholderboards theater made (Congo period from the fiftys) The uniform was made by the "Grande Maison Du Congo" (Tunic and pants)  SOLD
 ABL  BAWI camo smock size 5 (50/58) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL  RAKA camo smock size 5 (50/58) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present (H) SOLD
ABL Para camo smock size 3 and dated 1975 all buttons and flap are present (C) SOLD
 ABL camo moon and balls smock model 1950 size 6, all buttons and flap are present (A) SOLD
 ABL camo moon and balls smock model 1950 size 6 , all buttons and flap are present (B) SOLD
 ABL Camo uniform dated 1958 , Smock and pants  SOLD
 ABL RUGAK boots  in EU size 37 they are in used condition (A) SOLD
ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants REMACO  size 6  and dated 1957 SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 5  and dated 1956 SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants RMO  size 6  and dated 1954 SOLD
  ABL  RAKA camo smock size 5 (50/58) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL tropical kaki Short model 1951 SOLD
 ABL tropical Short used in Congo (A) SOLD
 ABL tropical Short used in Congo (B) SOLD
 ABL tropical Short used in Congo (C) SOLD
 ABL tropical Short used in Congo (D) SOLD
 ABL tropical Short used in Congo (E) SOLD
Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " AMS  size 12 dated 1953 SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " AMS  size 15 dated 1953 SOLD
 ABL  Navy camo pants size 6  dated 1955   SOLD
 ABL  RAKA camo pants size 6  dated 1956   SOLD
ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo smock . Model 1954  and the size is  5 50/58 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock Seyntex size 7  and dated 1973 all buttons and flap are present  (same smock they used in 1978 in Kolwezi operation Red Bean)(B) SOLD
ABL 3 para uniform , tunic and pants are size 3DE and dated 1970 SOLD
ABL tropical short (waist 82 cm)  SOLD
 ABL BAWI camo smock size 4 (48/56) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present and with and with para wings and commando brevet SOLD
 ABL Para Commando Begetex camo smock size 6  and dated 1970 all buttons and flap are present but NO sholderboards (same smock they used in 1978 in Kolwezi operation Red Bean) SOLD
 Luxemburg volunteer Corea war Battle dress  Model 1950 ,Dated 1953
Maker is Vestimenta
 ABL Para camo smock Seyntex size 7  and dated 1973 all buttons and flap are present  (same smock they used in 1978 in Kolwezi operation Red Bean) (C) SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo "moon and ball " smock . Model 1954  and the size is  7 54/66 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Kaki RAKA pants size 4 D and dated 1956 SOLD
 ABL Kaki RAKA pants size 6 D and dated 1956 SOLD
 Belgian Gendarmerie tunic from 1960/1970 SOLD
 ABL Jigsaw Camo Flack / stab resistant vest made by Seyntex and dated 1999 , size is XXL long (verry heavy) SOLD
 ABL BAWI camo smock size 2 (44/52) model 1956 all buttons and flap are present (no more tag) SOLD
 ABL RAKA  camo smock size 4 (48/56) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo "moon and ball " smock . Model 1954  and the size is  1  42/54 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL RAKA camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 3  and dated 1956 (C) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 4  and dated 1956 (D) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 4  and dated 1956 (E) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 4  and dated 1956 (F) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 5  NO TAG (G) SOLD
ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 5  and dated 1956 (H) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 6  and dated 1956 (J) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants  size 7  and dated 1957 (H) SOLD
 ABL Gendarmerie Katangaise camo smock size 1  42/50 and dated 1956 with theater made sholderboards with Katanga badges on them made by Drago Paris SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo "moon and ball " smock . Model 1955  and the size is  5  50/58 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL RUGAK boots  in EU size 37 (new condition) (B) SOLD
 ABBL Riding pants model 1949 and dated 1952 and  the size is 12 SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 2 (44/52) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 2  and dated 1956 (B) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 5  and dated 1956 (I) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 1  and dated 1956 (A) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " AMS  size 12 dated 1953 SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock size 3 and dated 1975 all buttons and flap are present with para wings and commando brevet (B) SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo "moon and ball " smock . Model 1952  and the size is 12 all buttons  are present beaver tale is missing  SOLD
 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 3 (46/54) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present  SOLD
 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 5 (50/58) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Navy experimental camo smock with beaver tale size XL and dated 1985 SOLD
 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present  SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo "moon and ball " smock . Model 1950  and the size is  6  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando camo pants (4 leg pockets ) size 1 and dated 1979 SOLD
 ABL Para Commando camo smock size 4  and dated 1977 all buttons and flap are present  (same smock they used in 1978 in Kolwezi operation Red Bean) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " MB  size 3 dated 1954 SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo "moon and ball " smock . Model 1950  and it's a big size  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 7 (54/62) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo smock . Model 1975 and the size is  1  beaver tale is missing SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo smock . Dated 1975 and the size is  4  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " AMS  size 8 dated 1954 SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 6  and dated 1956 SOLD
 ABL Batle Dress patns Model 1956 size 3C (C) SOLD
 ABL Batle Dress patns Model 1956 size 3E (B) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando BAWI camo pants , size 5 and dated 1956 (B) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando BAWI camo pants , size 4 and dated 1956 (A) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando BAWI camo pants , size 3 model 1956 (no more tag)(C) SOLD
ABL camo moon and balls smock 1953 size 8 , all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Camo pants Begetex size 12 and dated 1953 SOLD
 ABL MD Half Zip Para commando  Camo smock  Dated 1955 and the size is  5 (50/52) all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Half Zip lieutenant of the 1ste Para commando Camo smock . Dated 1975 and the size is 2 all buttons and flap are present , on the shest there is a ABL para wing and on the right sleeve there is a commando A brevet


 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 3 (46/54) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present but 1 sholderboard is missing SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 3 (46/54) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 4 (48/56) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 5 (48/56) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL AMS Half Zip Para commando Camo smock  Dated 1954 and the size is  5 (50/62)  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 4 (48/56) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock Seyntex size 4 and dated 1973 all buttons and flap are present (same smock  they used in 1978 in Kolwezi operation Red Bean) SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 5 (50/58) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
  ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo smock used by the Military police in Evere Dated 1954 and the size is  4  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Half Zip Para commando Camo smock . Dated 1975 and the size is  3 GH  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka  size 7  and dated 1956 SOLD
 ABL Belgian Navy camo pants Maker is Begetex and the size is 6 / 79 and dated 1955 SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " AMS  size 12 dated 1953 (B) SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball "AMS  size 12 (C) (no more tag in the pants) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Bawi  size 8 and dated 1956 (B)  SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock Begetex size 5 and dated 1970 all buttons and flap are present and belgian para wing on the chest (same smock they used in 1978 in Kolwezi operation Red Bean) SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 6 (52/60) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " AMS  size 22 dated 1953 (A) SOLD
ABL Rijkswacht kaki tunic  size is 5 and dated 1963 SOLD
 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 8 (56/64) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present (one button of the flap do not work) SOLD
 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 6 (52/60) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present  SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 2 (44/52) dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 3 (46/54) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present  SOLD
ABL Desert  Camo  chort from the maker Seyntex and size XL SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Bawi  size 4 (A) SOLD
 ABL Belgian Para commando camo pants Raka size 4 (A) SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock Seyntex size 7 and dated 1973 (HQ Heverlee) all buttons and flap are present (same smock they used in 1978 in Kolwezi operation Red Bean) SOLD
 ABL Para commando camo "moon and ball " smock size 8 (56/64) no tag in the smock   all buttons and flap are present  SOLD
 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 7 (54/62) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
Original Mercenary ABL Camo BAWI Smock from a  officer of the 6th commando (french Mercenarys) (Mercenaries Congo period) Original 6th commando sholder boards and a French para wing on the chest , the smock is dated 1956 and size 8 SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock size 7 and dated 1970 all buttons and flap are present (same they used in 1978 in Kolwezi operation Red Bean) SOLD
 ABL Para camo smock size 2 and dated 1975 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando BAWI camo smock size 7 (54/62) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 3 (46/54 ) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 7 (54/62) no more tag but it's a 1956 model all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 2 (44/52 ) dated 1956  all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 Belgian Para camo pants from the maker E.M. and dated 1955 (size is 5) SOLD
 ABL long coat , dated 1954 and size 2 D (D) SOLD
 ABL Rijkswacht kaki tunic from the 1960/1970 (tag is washed off) SOLD
 Camo smock from a  capitain - Commandant off the  Genie regiment
the tag is no more readable but model is from the 90' all buttons and flap are present
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 5 (50/58) and dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 4 (48/56) and dated 1956 all buttons and flap are present SOLD
 ABL camo smock size 7 and dated 1982 SOLD
ABL  Para Commando canvas camo pants
they are all dated 1956 and from the maker  RAKA
I ave them in size
2 X size 4
2 X size 5 
1 X size 6
1 X size 7
the price is for 1 pants
SOLD out
 ABL 13 TTR milicien uniform (tunic and pants dated 1968  / Tie dated 1966 and beret dated 1962) there is also a patch off the NORTAG (Northern Army Group) on the left arm SOLD
 Belgian 2 commando Heavy Jersey man's Size 1 and dated 1980 with insignia SOLD
Belgian Para commando belt SOLD
 ABL Marine coat , dated 1991 and size   8 / 182/112 SOLD
 Original Mercenary Camo uniform from a  adjudant of the 5th commando and is beret (Mercenaries Congo period)

Original 5th commando sholder boards

ABL Camo RAKA Smock is dated 1956 and size 5

ABL Camo RAKA Smock pants is dated 1956 and size 5

Green Commando cap size 58 with 5th commando badge


Belgian model 1949 pants size 1 and dated 1949 SOLD
Belgian M49 pants Dated 1952 and size 4 (In wool) (D) SOLD
Belgian M49 pants Dated 1952 (C) SOLD
Belgian M49 pants (B) SOLD
WWII Belgian Leopold III belt (1930)   SOLD
 ABL Grenadier tunic with dogtag , the size of the tunic is 5GH and dated 1977 SOLD
 ABL desert camo uniform (tunic and pants)tunic and pants are size XL/ S SOLD
 ABL desert camo tunic size L/L SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 6 (52/60) and dated 1956 SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 7 (54/62) and dated 1956 SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 8 (56/64) and dated 1956 SOLD
WWII ABBL great coat Model 1936  the maker is E. Pelsmaekers the buttons are from  VAN MALDEREN F., Bruxelles (1 button is missing ) SOLD
Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " dated 1953 and size 6 (A) SOLD
Belgian PARA commando camo pants "moon and ball " dated 1953 and size 6 (B) SOLD
 ABL Combat boots size 44 (never been used) SOLD
 Belgian camo uniform (tunic and pants (A) size XXL / Large and dated 1999 and 2000 SOLD
 Belgian camo uniform tunic and pants (B) tunic is size XXL / L dated 1997 and pants is size XXL / S and  SOLD
 ABL 1 st para  non comition officer uniform (see pictures )
the tunic is dated 1966 and the pants are dated 1967
Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " dated 1953 and size 7 (A) and also 1 dated 1954 and size 5 price is for 1 piece SOLD
Belgian 1ste LT lansiers tunic from the early 1950 buttons on the tunic are from the maker C.A.P.A. Bruxelles there is a medal bar on the tunic SOLD
Belgian gendarmerie uniform (Tunic and pants and gueters) SOLD
 ABL Para commando RAKA camo smock size 8 (56/64) Used by the Congo para commandos with Congo para wings and dated 1956 SOLD
 Original  Belgium Gendarmerie  uniform from 1950
uniform consist off 
Gendarmerie cap 
Gendarmerie Tunic and pants
black leather beld
Gendarmerie leather chaps
Belgian chort boots
 ABL 2 th Commando shirt with on both sleeves a commando patch
on the right sleeve there is also the  commando A brevet
on the left sleeve there is a  ABL driver brevet and also a  Congo Belge patch
oon the chest there is a ABL para wings and a medal bar (see pictures)
ABL Grenadier uniform of a corporal (the uniform consist out)

Beret (size 56 and dated 1981)
Tunic (size 42 S and dated 1983)
Pants and belt (size 42 S and dated 1983)
Tie (dated 1982)
Shirt (size 94 and dated 1982)

the soldier did draw cartoons on is shirt when he terminated is tour off duty in the Belgian army (see pictures)

 Belgian Navy   camo pants "moon and ball " dated 1955 and size 6 (A) SOLD
 ABL para padre uniform and case (see pictures)dated 1962 tunic and pants dated 1962,parka dated 1960
shirt,underpants,suspenders,stola with parawings,enz
 Belgian Navy  (Z M - F N ) camo uniform "moon and ball " dated 1955  maker is Begetex Lauwe tunic is size 42/50 and pants are size 6 / 79 see pictures (Not easy to find) SOLD
Belgian Airforce uniform(jacket/pants/boots)Dated 1961 SOLD
Belgian Gendarmerie / Rijkswacht Batle dress tunic from the 1960   SOLD
Belgian ABL Raka full zip brushstroke para jacket dated 1956 and size 4 SOLD
Belgian Para commando camo pants "moon and ball " dated 1953 and size 12 and and also size 15 (B) price is for 1 piece SOLD
Belgian PARA commando Camo Pants model RAKA dated 1956 and size 4 and also in size 5 /6 and 7 price is for 1 piece SOLD
Belgian volunteer Corea war officer BD size 4 F and dated 1954  SOLD
Belgian 1ste para BD tunic dated 1954 and size 4 D SOLD
Belgian battledress trousers dated 1957(Nice for reenacment of WWII British Battledress trousers) SOLD
 Belgian ABL Para camo smock size 1(from the fifty's) SOLD
ABL Leather tunic for motorcyclist dated 1952 and size 12 from the maker Ganterie Moderne S.A. Ath SOLD
Belgian para commando camo uniform used in congo by the gendarme katangais and by the mercenaries the uniform consist out 

Camo hat Bigeard
camo net
Camo para tunic size 7 (54/66) dated 1954
Camo Para pants size 12 dated 1953
Canvas belt
Abl chort
Ammo boots

(Manequin is NOT for SALE)

 Belgian ABL para camo smock size 3 SOLD
 Belgian ABL para camo smock size 2  SOLD
Belgian Para commando RAKA Camo smock dated 1956 and size 5 (50/58)used condition SOLD
Belgian Para commando camo smock model 1950 (no more tag in the smock) SOLD
Belgian Para commando RAKA camo smock dated 1956 and size 5 (50/58)verry nice colors SOLD
Belgian  Chasseur ardenais officer BD uniform (pants and trousers) size 6 H and dated 1959 SOLD
Belgian gendarmerie uniform (cap - tunic and pants) SOLD
Belgian Chasseur ardenais officer uniform (pants and trousers)the uniform is from the fiftys  SOLD
Belgian 2 th commando genie tunic with medal bar and belgian para brevet and Italian para brevet and a commando brevet A size 50 m and dated 1988 SOLD
Belgian PARA commando Pants model RAKA dated 1956  SOLD
Belgian CAMO trousers dated 1956(Nice for reenacment of WWII British PARA camo trousers) SOLD
WWII Belgian US uniform BAAPS 1 (BELGIAN AUXILIARY AIR POLICE SERVICE 1945-1946 ) BAAPS 1 unit was raised at Gosselies to help the Allied Military Police in their task of guarding the airfields.The BAAPS I came under the operational command of the 9th US Air Force on May 1 1945 this uniform consit off a WWII US M1939 tunic and pants and a sidecap and MP armband the tunic is dated 1942 and size 36 R the pants is size 30 the sidecap is size 6 7/8 and dated 1945 there is a Belgium tab and a 9th US airforce patch and a MP armband on the left arm and a Belgian flag on the right arm and a Belgian lion on the sidecap 
Belgian Para camo uniform from the United Nations (UN blue Side cap / Para camo vest/ Para camo tunic with UN patches/ Para camo pants/Belgian combat boots / belgian belt with suspenders / UN blue cap) manequin is not for sale SOLD
Belgian BAWI para camo uniform dated 1956
Tunic is size 4 (48 - 56 ) pants  is size 4 and dated 1956
Belgian RAKA para camo uniform dated 1956
Tunic is size 7 (54 - 62 ) pants  is size 4 and dated 1956

Belgian paracommando smock size 3 and dated 1973 SOLD
Belgian CAMO trousers 1 dated 1952(Nice for reenacment of WWII British PARA camo trousers) SOLD
Belgian Militari Police uniform SFOR    Uniform consist out                                         1 Red  MP beret  with MP insignia
1 ABL Camo tunic 1 st sergeant major
1 ABL Camo pants
1 pair of  ABL combat boots
1 ABL Belt
1 lamp
1 seinplaat

(Manequin is NOT for SALE)
Belgian CAMO Para smock  dated 1952(Nice for reenacment of WWII British PARA camo para denisson smock) SOLD
Belgian Para uniform from a soldier that served in Corea.  The uniform consist of 1 BD tunic dated 1952 (all patches are original to the BD) / BD pants dated 1957 / 1 pair Ammo boots dated 1949 /1 Camo scarf / Canvas leggings dated 1945 / Canvas belt dated 1952 / Canvas Holster GP dated 1952 / Belgian cap dated 1953 with badge (Manequin is NOT for SALE)  



WWII Belgium officer tunic  model 1935(ABBL)  SOLD
WWI Belgian leather belt  SOLD
WWII Belgium officer tunic  model 1935(ABBL) Buttons are from the maker VAN MALDEREN F., Bruxelles( WWII contracter)  


WWII ABBL Officer model 1935 coat from Luitenant Scohier and dated 16-04-35 (see picture)the taylor is HELDENBERGH VANDENBROELE & PIGEON, BRUXELLES , RUE DUQUESNOY 19 (see picture)The buttons are from the same taylor . there are on each side a pouch and on the left side there is a opening for the sabel.the coat is missing 2 buttons on the front


Belgian PARA commando tunic model RAKA dated 1956 and size 7 with a « commando Kansimba » patch (commandos katangais) on the left sleeve  (The zip is not working) SOLD
Belgian BD trousers dated 1956 (A) SOLD
Belgian BD trousers dated 1959 (B) SOLD
Belgian BD trousers dated 1959 (C) SOLD
Belgian Chaplain tunic Dated 1967 and size CC5 SOLD
 Belgian ABL Raka full zip brushstroke para jacket dated 1956 and size 8 SOLD
Belgian para commando camo uniform used in congo by the black troops and by the mercenaries the uniform consist out        Camo beret (belgian 1950 camo)
ABL Raka Camo para smock size 5 (50/58) dated 1956
ABL Raka Camo Para pants size 5 dated 1956
                                                                    Abl Canvas webbing (see pictures)           ABL binoculars dated 1951 with leather pouch              
Abl chort
Ammo boots
                    (Manequin is NOT for SALE)
 This is a original  ABL Belgian Navy (Z M - F N) Jigsaw camouflage uniform (uniform stormfusilier)
(in verry good condition)
uniform consist off 
Belgian navy Camo smock 1962 size 4 48/56 (model with buttons)
Belgian navy Camo smock pants the maker is Seyntex and dated 1962 size 4/82
Belgian navy  beld dated 1965
Belgian navy Y dated 1953
Belgian navy ammunition pouches dated 1953
Belgian navy Helm dated 1952
chort boots size 39                           (Manequin is NOT for SALE)