British Equipment

WWII English large pack carrier dated 1940 85 Euro
British Canvas Belt (painted white for Militair  Police use) MP from the 1950 25 Euro
WWII British kitbag dated 1943 (see pictures ) 45 Euro
WWII British messkit dated 1941 25 Euro
WWI English map of Arlon (Belgium) and dated 1911

20 Euro

WWI English map of Mezieres (France) and dated 1915

20 Euro

WWI English map of Ostend (Belgium) and dated 1911

20 Euro

WWI English map of Liege(Belgium) and dated 1919

20 Euro

WWII British Pattern 1939 leather Home Guard frog  dated 1941 (A) SOLD
WWII British Pattern 1939 leather Home Guard frog  dated 1941 (B) SOLD
English body armor mark 2 size medium      COVER BODY ARMOUR MK2 VEST
NSN  8470 99 977 4004
For Use with Body Armour Mark,2
NSN 8470 99 977 3998
Made by Wathen Gardiner & Co.Ltd
WWII British Army brass fronted spring scales , made by salters and dated 1942 SOLD
British commando dagger 2nd model , markin,gs on the dagger are J. Nowill & sons sheffield england en een Broad arrow (war department acceptance)
1 Pair of WWII British web brasers (web suspenders) different pairs for sale price is for 1 pair SOLD OUT
WWI Leather holster for the webley revolver (no markings on the holster) SOLD
WWII British light para gasmasker (see book Tommy "uniforms,weapons and equipment of the Airborne forces" page 59) canvas bag is dated 1945 and mask is dated 1944 SOLD
WWII British Spike bayonet N°4 MK II with is web frog dated 1944 (B)
WWII British Spike bayonet N°4 MK II with is web frog dated 1944 (C)
WWII British Spike bayonet N°4 MK II with is web frog dated 1944 ( D)
English N°9 MK1 bayonet (no markings)
British Canvas webly holster (painted white for Militair  Police use) MP dated  1952 SOLD
WWII British mess tin (2 models)Markings on the litle mess tin  are MB6 42 and  broad arrow
Markings on the big mess tin are MB2 42 and broad arrow
WWII British sten sling  SOLD
WWII Bren Mag(the magazines  are for all Bren guns) SOLD
WWII English pocket knive(WWII dated) SOLD

WWII ENGLISH web holder for Bayonets SOLD
WWII Bren sling(for bren MK1 and MK2) SOLD
WWII English Mills grenade(DEMIL)markings are

N°23 M III and the english arrow

WWI British leather holster for a webley .455 revolver markings are W C  SOLD
WWII English Mills grenade(DEMIL) model that they give to the officers to put on there desk markings are W&Co 10 and 20 and B SOLD
WWII Sten Mag(the magazines are for all Sten guns) SOLD
WWII English First field dressing SOLD
WWII English P1937 Ammo pouches(set) SOLD
WWII English P1937 Cross straps(set) SOLD
WWII English P1937 water bottle 1 SOLD
WWII English P1937 water bottle 2 SOLD
WWII English P1937 webbing mapcase SOLD
WWII English P1944 Lightweight gasmask post WWII filter(Para gasmask) SOLD
WWII English P1937 Pickmattock SOLD
WWII English P1937 Webbing Belt 1 SOLD
WWII English P1937 Webbing Belt 2 SOLD
WWII English P1937 Webbing Belt 3 SOLD
WWII English gear lot all is dated WWII lot consist out

Web belt/2 ammunition pouches/English P1944 Lightweight gasmask/English P1937 water bottle/mes kit/endfield holster compas pouch/P1937 Pickmattock/P1937 webbing mapcase/bayonet web holder with spike bayonet/anti gas tunic and pants 




WWII English shovel  Dated 1940 SOLD
WWII English Glider axe SOLD
WWII Engelse Union jack flag 3,70 meter / 1,80 meter


WWII English lamp in working order  SOLD
WWII English wisle with chain dated 1943 SOLD
WWII English wisle dated 1943 SOLD
WWII English pocket knive Dated 1942 SOLD
WWII English pocket knive Dated 1943 SOLD
WWII English gear lot all is WWII  (1)

Lot consist out

Web belt /English P1944 Lightweight gasmask dated 1944
English Pair guetten dated 1943/English Enfield bayo N°4 MK2/English Bren sling /English bandage dated 1944/
P1937 Pickmattock dated 1944/English gas protection gogles/P1937 webbing mapcase dated 1944/
2 ammunition pouches/1 ammunition pouche for the bren dated 1941/English Bren spare parts bag/ English big backpack Dated 1942/English para/commando Togle rope



WWII English gear lot all is WWII  (2)

Lot consist out

English water botle dated 1941/English backpack dated 1943/2 ammunition pouches dated 1943/English Mapcase dated 1944/English big backpack dated 1943/1 English Ammunition pouch dated 1943/English web belt dated 1943/English Guetten dated 1945/English bren bag for the bullet casings/English pair cross straps dated 1943/English pair cross straps 
English Light gas mask bag with red cross on it dated 1943
English para/commando Togle rope


WWI English map of Ghent (Belgium) and dated 1915




English WWII Medic Lot

English Medic bag dated 1942
English arm holder
English Tourniquet in metal can
English Chirurg mirror in metal can
3 English Shell Dressings bandages dated 1944
1 Khaki Bandage
1 compressed open wove bandage




WWII English MKIII Compas Dated 1942 with is web pouch dated 1940 SOLD
WWII Escape swinger compass  



WWII English RAF Trench art lighter SOLD
WWII English compas dated 1941 from Stanley London SOLD
ABL Canvas Belt (painted white for Militair  Police use) MP from the 1950